Green Building

Value & Green
Value is also how Chad approaches Green Building.
We ask our customers what green means to them, and then we design a package around that, he explains. He talks to every customer about upgraded heating and cooling systems and insulation, explaining that monthly utility savings will easily pay for the energy saving packages. Rebates also help lower customers costs.
To Chad, green also means continually looking for products that are green and affordable, as well as having systems in place that minimize waste and make the best use of materials and lessen the negative impact on the environment.
For example, our panelized framing process, where all the walls are assembled in the manufacturing facility where they are protected, greatly reduces the amount of waste and delivers a superior product, he says.
Chad Buck is a Certified Green Professional and is working to expand building green practices and Energy Star Rating into every C&M Builders home. Chad describes this as the use of engineered wood products, which are more environmentally sustainable, Low E windows and exterior house wrap reduces energy loss, and the use of products that improve interior air quality.
Green Building once thought to be very costly can now be achieved affordably.